Hi Guys, I’m using Kafka 0.8.1, and I’m having difficulty trying to move a replica from one broker to another.
Doing a "kafka-topics.sh —describe | grep mini__078____active_80__32__mini" shows: Topic:mini__078____active_80__32__mini PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:retention.bytes=104857600 Topic: mini__078____active_80__32__mini Partition: 0 Leader: 73979 Replicas: 73979,0,44416 Isr: 73979,44416,0 I’m trying to move one replica off the “0” broker, and on to another broker like so: "./kafka-topics.sh --alter --topic mini__078____active_80__32__mini --replica-assignment 73979:73066:44416” However, after an hour, I still see one of the replicas on the “0” broker. The replica doesn’t seem to move at all. I’ve tried this command with: "./kafka-topics.sh --alter --topic mini__078____active_80__32__mini --replica-assignment 73979,73066,44416” But the result is the same. Please help. Paul Lung