Hey Todd,

For my purposes, I wrote a Partitioner that reads all of the ConsumerOffsets 
for a particular group from Zookeeper, and then sends its message to the one 
with least lag (with some probabilistic weighting thrown in to prevent it from 
getting overwhelmed). I basically read and reimplemented the code from 
ConsumerOffsetChecker.scala to do this. Does that help at all? Would it help to 
see my code?


On Mar 19, 2014, at 12:47 PM, Todd Gatts <tga...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> I'd like to avoid creating messages for a topic is the topic currently has
> no consumers.  Is there a way a producer can subscribe to the number of
> consumers of a topic?  Or if that's not possible, can a producer request
> the current number of consumers of a topic?
> The searchable hadoop kafka topic didn't return anything for "no consumer"
> or "zero consumers", and a find on "zero" or "count" on the documentation
> html page found lots of matches, but none about knowing the number of
> consumers.
> I'm certain I can code a solution around this problem, but I'd hate to
> reinvent the wheel for such a straightforward problem.
> Todd Gatts

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