Very nice

> On Mar 7, 2014, at 11:55, Pierre Andrews <> wrote:
> Claude, we should join forces ;)
>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Claude Mamo <> wrote:
>> Awesome!!! ;-)
>> Claude
>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Pierre Andrews <
>>> wrote:
>>> Great! Thanks!
>>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Jay Kreps <> wrote:
>>>> This is really useful! I added it to the ecosystem page:
>>>> -Jay
>>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Pierre Andrews <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> at Quantifind, we are big users of Kafka and we like it a lot!
>>>>> In a few use cases, we had to figure out if a queue was growing and
>> how
>>>> its
>>>>> consumers were behaving. There are a few command-line tools to try to
>>>>> figure out what's going on, but it's not always easy to debug and to
>>> see
>>>>> what has happened while everyone was sleeping.
>>>>> To be able to monitor our kafka queues and consumers, we thus
>>> developed a
>>>>> tiny web app that could tell us the log size of each topic in the
>>> brokers
>>>>> and the offsets of each consumers. That's very similar to what the
>>> kafka
>>>>> ConsumerOffsetChecker tool* is doing, but instead of having a one off
>>>>> snapshot, our app keeps an history and displays a nice graph of
>> what's
>>>>> going on.
>>>>> You can find screenshots and more details here:
>>>>> the code is on github:
>>>>> If you have kafka 0.8 setup, it's very easy to use:
>>>>>  1- download the current jar
>>>>>  2- run it, pointing at your kafka brokers:
>>>>>    java -cp KafkaOffsetMonitor-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
>>>>>     com.quantifind.kafka.offsetapp.OffsetGetterWeb \
>>>>>     --zk zk-server1,zk-server2 \
>>>>>     --port 8080 \
>>>>>     --refresh 10.seconds \
>>>>>     --retain 2.days
>>>>>   3- open your browser and point it to localhost:8080
>>>>> You can run it locally or host it on a server if you prefer.
>>>>> It's all open source and we'll be happy to receive issue report and
>>> pull
>>>>> requests.
>>>>> I hope that you like it and that it can find some uses in the rest of
>>> the
>>>>> Kafka community.
>>>>> Best
>>>>> Pierre
>>>>> PS: we are aware of
>>>>> are
>>>>> currently offering slightly different features. Hopefully we can
>> merge
>>>> the
>>>>> projects in the future.
>>>>> * here:

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