> I checked the information in Zookeeper and found out that 2 of the brokers 
> are missing. The VMs with these brokers are not quite ... healthy (I cannot 
> find another definition for this situation). I checked the information about 
> replicas distribution and there are 3 replicas for each partition, so that 
> part is ok. Started tests again and get some of producers stuck again. May be 
> there is something wrong with my cluster of VMs.

Can you clarify what you mean by not healthy? Also, when you say three
replicas - are those replicas in the ISR? You can either use
list-topics (./bin/kafka-topics.sh --describe) or read the
topic/partition/state path from zookeeper directly.

> To reproduce the situation with original performance test tools: 
> - start a Zookeeper node on 1 VM
> - start 2 Kafka brokers on 2 VMs
> - create a topic with multiple partitions and replication factor 2
> - run producer performance script on 4 VMs in a sync mode with 2 acks to send 
> 1M messages
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joel Koshy [mailto:jjkosh...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 3:40 PM
> To: users@kafka.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Sync producers stuck waiting for 2 acks
> The request time out config is request.timeout.ms - defaults to 10 seconds - 
> so the request should expire by then and return a response.
> Can you run the list-topics command on the topics you are sending to and make 
> sure there are at least two replicas in ISR while you are running your 
> producer test?
> You mentioned you were able to reproduce this with the original performance 
> tools - can you provide exact steps to reproduce if the above information 
> does not help resolve this?
> Joel
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:22:39PM +0000, Michael Popov wrote:
> > I am running a test deployment of Kafka 0.8. When I configure sync 
> > producers to expect 2 acks for each "write" request, some of the producers 
> > get stuck. It looks like broker's response is not delivered back.
> > This happened with original Kafka performance tools and with a test tool 
> > built using a custom C# client library. So I assume the issue is not on the 
> > client side.
> > I checked the sources. Even if a replica broker does not catch up with a 
> > leader, a producer request should expire on time out. I don't see 
> > configuration parameter to set this timeout. The closest configuration 
> > setting I can see is "producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests" but it is 
> > in the number of requests, not time units.
> > 
> > I would appreciate any advice where to look for the problem and how to 
> > solve it.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > Michael Popov

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