I am running a test deployment of Kafka 0.8. When I configure sync producers to 
expect 2 acks for each "write" request, some of the producers get stuck. It 
looks like broker's response is not delivered back.
This happened with original Kafka performance tools and with a test tool built 
using a custom C# client library. So I assume the issue is not on the client 
I checked the sources. Even if a replica broker does not catch up with a 
leader, a producer request should expire on time out. I don't see configuration 
parameter to set this timeout. The closest configuration setting I can see is 
"producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests" but it is in the number of 
requests, not time units.

I would appreciate any advice where to look for the problem and how to solve it.

Thank you,
Michael Popov

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