Hi, I am using kafka 0.8. I have 3 machines each running kafka broker.
I am using async mode of my Producer. I expected to see 3 different threads with names starting with ProducerSendThread- (according to this article: http://engineering.gnip.com/kafka-async-producer/) However I can see only one thread with the name *ProducerSendThread-* This is my producer configuration: server=1 topic=dat7 metadata.broker.list=ec2-54-245-111-112.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 ,ec2-54-245-111-69.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092, ec2-54-218-183-14.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 serializer.class=kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder request.required.acks=1 compression.codec=snappy producer.type=async queue.buffering.max.ms=2000 queue.buffering.max.messages=1000 batch.num.messages=500 *What am I missing here?* BTW, I have also experienced very strange behavior regrading my producer performance (which may or may not be related to the issue above). When I have defined a topic with 1 partition I got much better throughput comparing to a topic with 3 partitions. A producer sending messages to a topic with 3 partitions had much better throughput comparing to a topic with 12 partitions. I would expect to have best performance for the topic with 12 partitions since I have 3 machines running a broker each of with 4 disks (the broker is configured to use all 4 disks) *Is there any logical explanation for this behavior?*