I finally got something working. It was a bit funky, so I figure I¹ll post
it here in hopes that it will help someone else.

First, you need to include the test stuff from Kafka. If using Maven, this
does the trick:


I used Apache Curator to get my test ZooKeeper server:


And my code looks like this:

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;

import kafka.server.KafkaConfig;
import kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable;
import kafka.utils.TestUtils;

import org.apache.curator.test.TestingServer;

public class TestKafkaCluster {
    KafkaServerStartable kafkaServer;
    TestingServer zkServer;

    public TestKafkaCluster() throws Exception {
        zkServer = new TestingServer();
        KafkaConfig config = getKafkaConfig(zkServer.getConnectString());
        kafkaServer = new KafkaServerStartable(config);

    private static KafkaConfig getKafkaConfig(final String
zkConnectString) {
        scala.collection.Iterator<Properties> propsI =
        assert propsI.hasNext();
        Properties props = propsI.next();
        assert props.containsKey("zookeeper.connect");
        props.put("zookeeper.connect", zkConnectString);
        return new KafkaConfig(props);

    public String getKafkaBrokerString() {
        return String.format("localhost:%d",

    public String getZkConnectString() {
        return zkServer.getConnectString();

    public int getKafkaPort() {
        return kafkaServer.serverConfig().port();

    public void stop() throws IOException {

Hope that saves somebody else some time!

‹ Oliver

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