Hey Joe,

Thanks for the suggestion. The code looks pretty cool, but it¹s much
heavier weight than what I¹m looking for. I can spin up ZooKeeper and
Kafka on my local box, but I was hoping to find a way to run them embedded
so I can create unit tests (as opposed to integration tests which would
use something like what you¹ve created).


> If your developing in Scala then check out my Scala Example code
> https://github.com/stealthly/scala-kafka. It spins up two virtual
> (zookeeper and a kafka broker) and has a sample producer and consumer
> passing test cases (against the vms).

> If your developing in Java, the Vagrantfile and scripts folder should
> work fine for you and you can fork the repo and include whatever language
> you want on top of it  and use the virtual zookeeper and kafka broker
> of it.

> Feedback welcome, thanks!

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