1. The information is obtained from ZK. For details, see

2. Broker 3 should be dropped our of isr. Are you running the latest code
from the 0.8 branch? Any error in the controller and state-change log?



On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 2:39 AM, Monika Garg <gargmon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> My zookeeper node in Kafka is storing the data for a partition like this:
> { "controller_epoch":3, "isr":[ 1, 3 ], "leader":1, "leader_epoch":1,
> "version":1 }
> So what I am thinking is the command *bin/kafka-list-topic.sh *uses the
> above data from zookeeper in fetching the its output* + *some additional
> info the command provides is replicas.
> The  command output is like this:
> topic: newTopic    partition: 0    leader: 1    replicas: 3,1    isr: 1,3
> topic: newTopic    partition: 1    leader: 3    replicas: 1,3    isr: 3,1
> 1.So where from the replicas details the command(bin/kafka-list-topic.sh)
> fetches.
> 2. When I am stopping my broker-3,it should be removed from "isr":[1,3] of
> zookeeper,as broker-3 is no more a living node now.But it is not getting
> removed from there and might be thats why I am getting the
> command(bin/kafka-list-topic.sh) as below:
> topic: newTopic    partition: 0    leader: 1    replicas: 3,1    isr: 1,3
> topic: newTopic    partition: 1    leader: 1    replicas: 1,3    isr: 1,3
> *which is not correct*.
> Please help in understanding the behaviour and output.
> --
> *Moniii*

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