I have cluster of 3 kafka brokers. With the following script I send some data to kafka and in the middle do the controlled shutdown of 1 broker. All 3 brokers are ISR before I start sending. When i shutdown the broker i get a couple of exceptions and I expect data shouldn't be written. Say, I send 1500 lines and get 50 exceptions. I expect to consume 1450 lines, but instead i always consume more, i.e. 1480 or 1490. I want to decide if I want to retry sending myself, not using message.send.max.retries. But looks like if I retry sending if there is an exception - I will end up with duplicates. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or having wrong assumptions about kafka?
Thanks. val prod = new MyProducer(",,") var count = 0 for(line <- Source.fromFile(file).getLines()){ try { prod.send("benchmark", buffer.toList) count += 1 println("sent %s", count) } catch { case _ => println("Exception!") } } class MyProducer(brokerList: String) { val sync = true val requestRequiredAcks = "-1" val props = new Properties() props.put("metadata.broker.list", brokerList) props.put("producer.type", if(sync) "sync" else "async") props.put("request.required.acks", requestRequiredAcks) props.put("key.serializer.class", classOf[StringEncoder].getName) props.put("serializer.class", classOf[StringEncoder].getName) props.put("message.send.max.retries", "0") props.put("request.timeout.ms", "2000") val producer = new Producer[AnyRef, AnyRef](new ProducerConfig(props)) def send(topic: String, messages: List[String]) = { val requests = new ArrayBuffer[KeyedMessage[AnyRef, AnyRef]] for (message <- messages) { requests += new KeyedMessage(topic, null, message, message) } producer.send(requests) } }