Have you actually examined the Kafka files on disk, to make sure those
dupes are really there? Or is this a case of reading the same message
more than once?


On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Sybrandy, Casey
<casey.sybra...@six3systems.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We recently started seeing duplicate messages appearing at our consumers.  
> Thankfully, the database is set up so that we don't store the dupes, but it 
> is annoying.  It's not every message, only about 1% of them.  We are running 
> 0.7.0 for the broker with Zookeeper 3.3.4 from Cloudera and 0.7.0 for the 
> producer and consumer.  We tried upgrading the consumer to 0.7.2 to see if 
> that worked, but we're still seeing the dupes.  Do we have to upgrade the 
> broker as well to resolve this?  Is there something we can check to see 
> what's going on because we're not seeing anything unusual in the logs.  I 
> suspected that there may be significant rebalancing, but that does not appear 
> to be the case at all.
> Casey Sybrandy

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