
We recently started seeing duplicate messages appearing at our consumers.  
Thankfully, the database is set up so that we don't store the dupes, but it is 
annoying.  It's not every message, only about 1% of them.  We are running 0.7.0 
for the broker with Zookeeper 3.3.4 from Cloudera and 0.7.0 for the producer 
and consumer.  We tried upgrading the consumer to 0.7.2 to see if that worked, 
but we're still seeing the dupes.  Do we have to upgrade the broker as well to 
resolve this?  Is there something we can check to see what's going on because 
we're not seeing anything unusual in the logs.  I suspected that there may be 
significant rebalancing, but that does not appear to be the case at all.

Casey Sybrandy

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