AvgProduceRequestMs: avg time of a produce RPC request

For mbeans with Num and Total, they represent the cumulated value since the
service is up.



On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Hanish Bansal <
hanish.bansal.agar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to fetch Kafka stats using JMX and able to fetch the parameters
> mentioned below.
> Can somebody please elaborate on what each of these parameters signify.
> Although the name is pretty indicative but I still want to be sure. As per
> my understanding:
> ProduceRequestsPerSecond - number of requests produced into Kafka per
> second
> FetchRequestsPerSecond - number of requests fetched from kafka per second
> AvgProduceRequestMs - ?
> MaxProduceRequestMs- ?
> AvgFetchRequestMs- ?
> MaxFetchRequestMs -?
> BytesReadPerSecond - Bytes read from kafka per second. So when the consumer
> reads from the kafka broker this parameter is affected.
> BytesWrittenPerSecond - Bytes written into kafka per second. So when the
> producer produces into kafka broker this parameter is affected.
> NumFetchRequests - Total number of fetch requests from Kafka
> NumProduceRequests - Total number of produced requests into kafka
> TotalBytesRead - Total number of bytes read from Kafka. Is this from the
> beginning of the time when the kafka starts and never resets???
> TotalBytesWritten - Total number of bytes written into Kafka. Is this also
> from
> the beginning of the time when the kafka starts and never resets???
> TotalFetchRequestMs - ?
> TotalProduceRequestMs - ?
> Here are the values I'm getting but I'm not able to properly interpret
> them.
> NumFetchRequests=5350287
> TotalFetchRequestMs=56605349834
> FetchRequestsPerSecond=92.76876273667219
> AvgFetchRequestMs=0.008763
> MaxFetchRequestMs=3.610314
> --
> *Thanks & Regards*
> *Hanish Bansal*

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