
I'm trying to fetch Kafka stats using JMX and able to fetch the parameters
mentioned below.

Can somebody please elaborate on what each of these parameters signify.
Although the name is pretty indicative but I still want to be sure. As per
my understanding:

ProduceRequestsPerSecond - number of requests produced into Kafka per second
FetchRequestsPerSecond - number of requests fetched from kafka per second
AvgProduceRequestMs - ?
MaxProduceRequestMs- ?
AvgFetchRequestMs- ?
MaxFetchRequestMs -?
BytesReadPerSecond - Bytes read from kafka per second. So when the consumer
reads from the kafka broker this parameter is affected.
BytesWrittenPerSecond - Bytes written into kafka per second. So when the
producer produces into kafka broker this parameter is affected.
NumFetchRequests - Total number of fetch requests from Kafka
NumProduceRequests - Total number of produced requests into kafka

TotalBytesRead - Total number of bytes read from Kafka. Is this from the
beginning of the time when the kafka starts and never resets???
TotalBytesWritten - Total number of bytes written into Kafka. Is this also from
the beginning of the time when the kafka starts and never resets???
TotalFetchRequestMs - ?
TotalProduceRequestMs - ?

Here are the values I'm getting but I'm not able to properly interpret them.






*Thanks & Regards*
*Hanish Bansal*

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