To get the earliest and latest offset for a particular topic
partition, you can use  the GetOffsetShell tool.


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Snehalata Nagaje
<> wrote:
> Hi Neha,
> I want to get largest and earliest offset available in topic, to check how
> many messages are consumed by client.
> I do not want to set auto.commit.enable to true. So that I can client API
> which is connecting to cluster will have better control over offset.
> And also is there any way I can fetch messages from kafka(in cluster mode)
> from particular offset?
> Thanks,
> Snehalata
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Neha Narkhede" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:14 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: How to get topic offset infornation
>> Do you want offset information to check how much your consumer is lagging
>> or is there something else you are trying to achieve? You can use the
>> ConsumerOffsetChecker tool to see how many messages your high level
>> consumer is lagging behind by.
>> Thanks,
>> Neha
>> On Apr 30, 2013 3:44 AM, "Snehalata Nagaje" <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using kafka 0.8 version .
>>> I want to get topic offset information earlier and latest offset
>>> available
>>> in topic. I was able to get this using simpleconsumer API getOffseBefore.
>>> But I am using high level API to connect since I want to connect to kafka
>>> cluster using external zookeeper cluster.
>>> I have set up 3 kafka broker nodes with replication factor 2 and
>>> connected
>>> to zookeker cluster(3 -nodes).
>>> Can you please help with fetching offset information in cluster mode.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Snehalata
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