You're welcome. Done, patch included in the bug's description:


On 3/15/13 8:12 AM, "Neha Narkhede" <> wrote:

>Thanks for looking into this, Dragos. We should remove
>% "zkclient"    % "0.1"," from the build.sbt files. Would you like to
>create a JIRA and/or attach a patch ?
>On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Dragos Manolescu <
>> wrote:
>>I dug into this and found a problem. The kafka build files show
>>dependencies on two different versions of the zkclient code:
>>In core/build.sbt:
>>libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
>>   "org.apache.zookeeper"  % "zookeeper"   % "3.3.4",
>>"com.github.sgroschupf" % "zkclient"    % "0.1",
>>   "org.xerial.snappy"     % "snappy-java" % "",
>>   "org.easymock"          % "easymock"    % "3.0" % "test",
>>   "junit"                 % "junit"       % "4.1" % "test"
>>And in project/Build.scala:
>>   // POM Tweaking for core:
>>   def zkClientDep =
>>     <dependency>
>>       <groupId>zkclient</groupId>
>>       <artifactId>zkclient</artifactId>
>>       <version>20120522</version>
>>       <scope>compile</scope>
>>     </dependency>
>>In version 0.1 of com.github.sgroschupf.ZkClient (listed in build.sbt)
>>writeData doesn't return anything (, which causes the
>>compile error from my initial message (see below); that changed in 0.2
>>zkclient-20120522 (listed in Build.scala) is checked in as a JAR in the
>>core/lib folder (
>>I haven't researched why between sbt and IntelliJ ZkClient resolves
>>differently, and don't know the history behind the "POM tweaking" comment
>>above. I was able to build Kafka in IntelliJ by removing the reference to
>>com.github.sgroschupf.ZkClient. Perhaps this is a leftover from 0.7.2 (I
>>if I recall correctly it depends on 0.1)?
>>At any rate if anybody runs into similar problems when building in
>>I hope that this fix addresses them. Comments welcome.

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