Are you using the right version of ZkClient? The version of ZkClient used
in Kafka exposes Stat in writeData().



On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Dragos Manolescu <> wrote:

> Hi --
> For the last couple of days I've been going through the 0.8 code as I'm
> porting some 0.7.2 producers and consumers to the 0.8 API. While sbt
> compiles the sources and indicates that 196 tests pass (I use Scala 2.9.2),
> I haven't been able to successfully build Kafka in IntelliJ (after
> generating the IDEA project with gen-idea). The errors are in ZkUtils;
> here's the first one, with subsequent errors caused by the absence of the
> returned value (of type
> scala: type mismatch;
>  found   : Unit
>  required:
>       stat = client.writeData(path, data)
>                              ^
> As far as I can tell writeData is provided by
> org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient, and its return type is void rather than Stat;
> here's the signature:
>     public void writeData(String path, Object object) {
>         writeData(path, object, -1);
>     }
> I thought that this might be dead code; however IntelliJ shows ZkUtils
> being used in the kafka, other and unit modules :-/
> How do you marry IntelliJ with Kafka?
> Thanks,
> -Dragos

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