If you're using the zkCli.sh, something like this will create the namespace:
[zk: localhost:12913(CONNECTED) 1] create /namespace '' Created /namespace If you're using another interface, the actual command may vary. -- Dave DeMaagd ddema...@linkedin.com | 818 262 7958 (casey.sybra...@six3systems.com - Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 01:49:32PM +0000) > Apologies for not responding sooner. My mail client must have been > malfunctioning at the time as I never saw your responses until today. > > As for the error, it looks like it's a bug on my part that just didn't click > until I read Jim's responses. I have a config file that I specify the > options in and I copied it from a Configuration object to a Properties > object, as the producer/consumer requires. Didn't realize until this morning > that it was not working as expected. > > On a different note: does anyone know how to create a namespace in Zookeeper? > We're having some issues I'm trying to debug so I want to isolate some of > our brokers, but finding documentation on this has been fruitless. > > Thanks! > ________________________________________ > From: Neha Narkhede [neha.narkh...@gmail.com] > Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 4:39 PM > To: users@kafka.apache.org > Subject: Re: FW: Zookeeper Configuration Question > > Please can you send around the log that shows the zookeeper connection > error ? I would like to see if it fails at connection establishment or > session establishment. > > Thanks, > Neha > > On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:19 PM, James A. Robinson > <jim.robin...@stanford.edu> wrote: > > On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:15 PM, James A. Robinson > > <jim.robin...@stanford.edu> wrote: > >> For my kafka startup I point to the zookeeper "cluster" like so: > >> > >> --kafka-zk-connect > >> logproc-dev-03:2181,logproc-dev-03:2182,logproc-dev-03:2183 > > > > Sorry, wrong copy and paste! For the kafka startup I point to the zookeeper > > cluster like so (in the properties file): > > > > zk.connect=logproc-dev-03.highwire.org:2181,logproc-dev-03.highwire.org:2182,logproc-dev-03.highwire.org:2183