On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Sybrandy, Casey
<casey.sybra...@six3systems.com> wrote:
> Re-sending since I didn't get any responses before and want to make
> sure this made it to the correct group.

>>We're having an issue with Zookeeper, which has nothing to do with
>>Kafka, but my consumers don't appear to be attempting to connect
>>with the two nodes that are up.  I specify my zk.connect as such:
>> Is this correct?  Should this work?  I didn't see anything in the
>> Quick Start to contradict this, so I'm a bit confused.

I think that's correct.  For example, with my test setup I can connect
to our zookeeper cluster and see that /brokers/ids/0 exists, which I
believe corresponds to the brokerid, and I can see a list of topics
(in our case this is just a development environment, so we've got
three instances of zookeeper on the same machine, using different

$ ./zk_lp_config.pl --zk
logproc-dev-03:2181,logproc-dev-03:2182,logproc-dev-03:2183 ls

$ ./zk_lp_config.pl --zk
logproc-dev-03:2181,logproc-dev-03:2182,logproc-dev-03:2183 ls

$ ./zk_lp_config.pl --zk
logproc-dev-03:2181,logproc-dev-03:2182,logproc-dev-03:2183 ls

I believe the /brokers/ids/0 corresponds to the brokerid that one sets
in the configuration file:


For my kafka startup I point to the zookeeper "cluster" like so:

  --kafka-zk-connect logproc-dev-03:2181,logproc-dev-03:2182,logproc-dev-03:2183


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