Well, the files that I am sending are themselves not compressed, but I do use 
gzip compression when
sending data. kafka client is configured with option


which implies gzip compression. Setting that value to 2 means "Snappy 
compression". What compression
would you recommend? Is "Snappy compression" any good?

Dmitri Priimak

On 11/30/2012 01:17 PM, Paul Sutter wrote:
> Any chance the stream was created by the gzip command? If so, that just 
> happens sometime. The only
> way we found is to confirm that the error happened at the expected end of the 
> file and not a
> too-short file (we learned this dealing with petabytes of gziped logfiles)
> Apologies if thats irrelevant. 
> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From:* Dmitri Priimak <prii...@highwire.stanford.edu 
>> <mailto:prii...@highwire.stanford.edu>>
>> *Date:* November 30, 2012 12:26:10 PM PST
>> *To:* users@kafka.apache.org <mailto:users@kafka.apache.org>
>> *Subject:* *Re: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream*
>> *Reply-To:* users@kafka.apache.org <mailto:users@kafka.apache.org>
>> Well, it does not look like I can reproduce it anymore. While I was able to 
>> consistently crash it
>> yesterday, today kafka broker runs without any problems.
>> --
>> Dmitri Priimak
>> On 11/29/2012 02:10 PM, Dmitri Priimak wrote:
>>> On 11/29/2012 02:06 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:
>>>> That just meant that we couldn't reproduce it during our testing, but
>>>> we occasionally do see it in production, which is much harder to
>>>> reproduce.
>>>> It will be great if you can reproduce the issue and attach the test case.
>>> I see. I will try to isolate this problem. I am hoping that I can locate 
>>> exact sequence of messages
>>> that trigger this problem, but at the moment I cannot easily do that.
>>> --
>>> Dmitri Priimak

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