That just meant that we couldn't reproduce it during our testing, but
we occasionally do see it in production, which is much harder to
It will be great if you can reproduce the issue and attach the test case.


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Dmitri Priimak
<> wrote:
> On 11/29/2012 01:50 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:
>> Dmitri,
>> You said that the problem goes away once you upgrade to 0.7.1. Do you
>> mean that the message corruption doesn't happen or that when it
>> happens, the broker doesn't shut down ?
> I do not see corrupt message at all.
>> I'm asking since we occasionally do see the corruption on 0.7.1 but
>> don't have a good way to reproduce that. 0.7.1 fixes the shut down
>> issue so the broker ignores corrupted requests
>> instead of shutting down -
>> Do you have a way to reproduce this issue ?
> Sort of.
> I see this bug report that 
> says "Unresolved"
> and it shows the same stacktrace as the one I reported. However that comments 
> at the bottom
> sounds like this issue might have been resolved. Do you know if that is the 
> case?
> --
> Dmitri Priimak
>> It will really help in
>> troubleshooting the root cause.
>> Thanks,
>> Neha
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Dmitri Priimak
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 12-11-28 09:54 PM, Jun Rao wrote:
>>>> Dmitri,
>>>> Could you reproduce this easily? Are you using a load balancer? Earlier,
>>>> another user had the same issue and eventually figured out that the
>>>> problem
>>>> is in the network router.
>>> I do not believe I have any loadbalancer anywhere in the picture and by the
>>> way problem does go
>>> away if I upgrade broker to version 0.7.1 or 0.7.2
>>> --
>>> Dmitri Priimak
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jun
>>>> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Dmitri Priimak <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> In the kafka broker (version 0.7.0) log I see occasionally following
>>>>> error
>>>>> message
>>>>>   FATAL Halting due to unrecoverable I/O error while handling producer
>>>>> request: Unexpected end of
>>>>> ZLIB input stream (kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers)
>>>>> Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.message.CompressionUtils$$anonfun$decompress$4.apply$mcI$sp(CompressionUtils.scala:123)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.message.CompressionUtils$$anonfun$decompress$4.apply(CompressionUtils.scala:123)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.message.CompressionUtils$$anonfun$decompress$4.apply(CompressionUtils.scala:123)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.immutable.Stream$$anonfun$continually$1.apply(Stream.scala:598)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.immutable.Stream$$anonfun$continually$1.apply(Stream.scala:598)
>>>>>          at scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Cons.tail(Stream.scala:555)
>>>>>          at scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Cons.tail(Stream.scala:549)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.immutable.Stream$$anonfun$takeWhile$1.apply(Stream.scala:394)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.immutable.Stream$$anonfun$takeWhile$1.apply(Stream.scala:394)
>>>>>          at scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Cons.tail(Stream.scala:555)
>>>>>          at scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Cons.tail(Stream.scala:549)
>>>>>          at scala.collection.immutable.Stream.foreach(Stream.scala:255)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.message.CompressionUtils$.decompress(CompressionUtils.scala:123)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.message.ByteBufferMessageSet$$anon$1.makeNextOuter(ByteBufferMessageSet.scala:124)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.message.ByteBufferMessageSet$$anon$1.makeNext(ByteBufferMessageSet.scala:138)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.message.ByteBufferMessageSet$$anon$1.makeNext(ByteBufferMessageSet.scala:82)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.utils.IteratorTemplate.maybeComputeNext(IteratorTemplate.scala:59)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.utils.IteratorTemplate.hasNext(IteratorTemplate.scala:51)
>>>>>          at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:631)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.utils.IteratorTemplate.foreach(IteratorTemplate.scala:30)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.IterableLike$class.foreach(IterableLike.scala:79)
>>>>>          at kafka.message.MessageSet.foreach(MessageSet.scala:87)
>>>>>          at kafka.log.Log.append(Log.scala:202)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers.kafka$server$KafkaRequestHandlers$$handleProducerRequest(KafkaRequestHandlers.scala:75)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers$$anonfun$handleMultiProducerRequest$1.apply(KafkaRequestHandlers.scala:68)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers$$anonfun$handleMultiProducerRequest$1.apply(KafkaRequestHandlers.scala:68)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:206)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:206)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized$class.foreach(IndexedSeqOptimized.scala:34)
>>>>>          at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps.foreach(ArrayOps.scala:34)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> scala.collection.TraversableLike$
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers.handleMultiProducerRequest(KafkaRequestHandlers.scala:68)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers$$anonfun$handlerFor$4.apply(KafkaRequestHandlers.scala:46)
>>>>>          at
>>>>> kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers$$anonfun$handlerFor$4.apply(KafkaRequestHandlers.scala:46)
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>>          at
>>>>> At which point broker actually dies. Shouldn't it keep working even even
>>>>> if there is some such error?
>>>>> Also, does anyone else saw this error? And is it fixed in the newer
>>>>> versions?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dmitri Priimak

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