On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 1:35 PM Tony Olekshy <apa...@olekshy.net> wrote:

> Our Apache httpd.conf is configured to include these lines for
> blocking requests from a list of IP addresses without logging
> them — in this order and mixed with other lines — yet some such
> requests are logged anyway:
>     CustomLog logs/access_log combined env=!DontLogIt
>     <VirtualHost *:80>
>     RewriteMap  ipb "prg:/some-path/ip-block/filter"
>     RewriteCond ${ipb:%{REMOTE_ADDR}/%{HTTP_HOST}} X
>     RewriteRule ^ - [F,L,E=DontLogIt]
> That ip-block/filter program writes to stdout, for each case of
> request data Apache sends to its stdin, whether the request IP
> address is on a block list, and this configuration successfully
> blocks almost all the requests from those IP addresses — without
> logging them.
> However, some requests, such as the following, remain logged by
> Apache even when they are from IP addresses in the block list,
> and regardless of whether we have LogLevel set to info or warn:
>     /file%3a/////etc%2fpasswd%00
>     /%0d%0aSet-Cookie:crlfinjection=1;
>     /cgi-bin.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/bin/sh
>     //%2f..=%5c..=%5c..=%5cetc%5cpasswd%00
> Why is that happening, and what can we do to prevent logging of
> those requests too, when they arrive from a blocked IP address?
> Sincerely Yours
> Tony Olekshy
> apa...@olekshy.net
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An IP block should not have issues with URL encoding - can you provide your
vhost configuration?

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