Our Apache httpd.conf is configured to include these lines for blocking requests from a list of IP addresses without logging them — in this order and mixed with other lines — yet some such requests are logged anyway:
CustomLog logs/access_log combined env=!DontLogIt <VirtualHost *:80> RewriteMap ipb "prg:/some-path/ip-block/filter" RewriteCond ${ipb:%{REMOTE_ADDR}/%{HTTP_HOST}} X RewriteRule ^ - [F,L,E=DontLogIt] That ip-block/filter program writes to stdout, for each case of request data Apache sends to its stdin, whether the request IP address is on a block list, and this configuration successfully blocks almost all the requests from those IP addresses — without logging them. However, some requests, such as the following, remain logged by Apache even when they are from IP addresses in the block list, and regardless of whether we have LogLevel set to info or warn: /file%3a/////etc%2fpasswd%00 /%0d%0aSet-Cookie:crlfinjection=1; /cgi-bin.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/bin/sh //%2f..=%5c..=%5c..=%5cetc%5cpasswd%00 Why is that happening, and what can we do to prevent logging of those requests too, when they arrive from a blocked IP address? Sincerely Yours Tony Olekshy apa...@olekshy.net --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@httpd.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@httpd.apache.org