PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR - "The PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR error message *appears
when the Mozilla Firefox browser can't establish a secure connection*. It
is a Firefox-specific error and won't appear in any other browser." / First result
Google search for the error.

The config you shared only mentions HTTP and not HTTPS but modern browsers
will always try and prefer HTTPS over HTTP unless explicitly forced to use
HTTP, if you are listening on 443 but don't have proper certs setup that
would for instance be an issue.

I think the frustration of the first people replying to you comes from you
showing such a large amount of signs of not having done your homework
properly ahead of time, whether it is using a non LTS distribution and not
keeping it up to date or all the "hand waving"/vague descriptions of what
was done and total lack of the error message.
Self hosting is great, I do it too and going to mailing lists/IRC etc is
also and I believe most communities strive to be welcoming, but there is
also always a base assumption that before you seek help on the mailing list
you did your homework and that the actual help request is also detailed and
well formulated so that others can actually help you.


Op za 14 dec 2024 om 23:54 schreef Kevin Watkins <>:

> @Marc - A service provider for a self hosted website?
> @Frank Gingras - when I try to open my website via URL (IE
> or <>)
> my site does not load instead I get the following error PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR
> Error code: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR. I get the same error whether locally
> orremotely
> @Antony Stone -- Thank you
> On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 5:16 AM Marc <> wrote:
>> You should have a service provider for such stuff. This starts to look
>> like when your kid is ill and then asking in the local pet shop for advise.
>> >
>> > I had two working websites until I realized over the weekend that my
>> > server was running Ubuntu 23.04 which had no apparent easy upgrade to
>> > 24.04. So I backed up my web files and site config files and did a clean
>> > install of Ubuntu. I have been trying to get my sites back up since
>> > (Sunday 8th of December).I am currently working on getting one of them
>> > up, once it is up I’ll work on the other one.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I am able to load my site locally via local IP address or remotely via
>> > public IP. However, I am unable to load the site via URL, locally or
>> > remotely
>> >
>> >

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