On Wednesday 04 October 2023 at 20:48:19, Jason Long wrote:

> Hello,Thanks again.Why has Apache Foundation never tested Apache
> performance with Nginx?

I am not affiliated with the Apache Foundation in any way, but I would guess 
that the primary reason is that one can make statistics say almost whatever 
one wants them to, simply by selecting the data or analysis which supports the 
desired outcome.  Therefore nobody is going to trust numbers put out either by 
the Apache Foundation, or by Nginx, showing how they compare against the 
competition.  I'm not saying that either of these organisations would be 
lying, but they'd be expected to choose the tests and scenarios which show 
them up in the most favourable comparative light possible.

A secondary reason is that one person's use of a web server is not the same as 
another's, so any benchmarks showing Apache vs. Nginx would be idealistic and 
almost certainly not what any specific real-world implementation would achieve.

Suppose you wanted to compare two makes of cars to find out which is "faster, 
more secure and better" (to quote from the subject line of your email).  Would 
you want such a comparison to be done by manufacturer A, manufacturer B, or an 
independent third party?  No matter who it's done by, does their definition of 
"better" match with yours (assuming you're a potential purchaser of one of the 


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