If any of the mod_php extensions are not thread-safe, you will need to use
the prefork mpm, which will indeed bloat every httpd worker. This is not
the ideal nor recommended configuration.

Instead, use the event mpm and proxy_fcgi to pass the request to php-fpm.

Alternatively, you can recompile php to be thread-safe and use event mpm
with mod_php, which will give you a small execution speed advantage.

The statement you posted is more or less FUD which leaves out very
important details.

On Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 2:56 AM Jason Long <hack3r...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Hello,
> Is the following sentence correct?
> "The way Apache loads PHP in its standard setup (with mod_php) compared to
> Nginx alone puts it at a disadvantage. You will see performance gains,
> particularly in memory usage, just by switching to Nginx, given you're
> using a PHP-driven application."
> Thank you.
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