Thank you.
Which part of my configuration is wrong? My Reverse Proxy can see my Apache web 
servers and as I said, its worked with one host, but can't work with two hosts. 
it sounds like, my Reverse Proxy just see the first Virtual Host config!!!

On Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 05:03:10 PM GMT+3:30, Antony Stone 
<> wrote: 

On Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 14:28:29, Jason Long wrote:

> I want to have one Reverse Proxy server that service to some web servers
> that each of them has theirs domains and IPs. I want to know, for 10
> different websites that each of them has different IPs and domain names, I
> need 10 Reverse Proxy servers?

No, you can do this all on one server, but you do need 10 <VirtualHost> 
definitions in your Apache configuration.  These can all be in the same file or 
in 10 different files, as you prefer.


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