On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 8:26 AM Jason Long <hack3r...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:
> No, I don't need a load balance. Let me clear it. Consider below diagram:
> The Internet ---> Apache Reverse Proxy ---> Apache Web Server 1 (IP:, 
> Name: Yahoo.com)
>                                                                  ---> Apache 
> Web Server 2 (IP:, Name: Google.com)
> Please look at: https://miro.medium.com/max/667/1*v4Pp0pG5WMbknprejifVmw.png
> I want my Reverse Proxy service to these web servers. Each servers has a 
> different domain name and IP address. My Yahoo.com server maybe turned off 
> or...but I want my Apache Reverse Proxy service to Google.com server.
> Is it clear? Examples that I found was about subdomain or...

There's not enough detail to show what unusual behavior you're after.
Are you saying you'll expose URLS like http://node3 and http://node4
to your users but http://node3 will return some totally different
website if its accessed while the associated backend server is down?

Is this for something productive or just experimentation?

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