Yes, if you are receiving requests you are redirecting yourself to your own
443 port to SSL, you by all means need a SSL virtualhost so apache can
handle them.

Even if you are using 2.2 you can start with a simple example like this:

And also do not forget to define ServerName in your virtualhosts, specially
with SSL ones, this directive needs to match the CN in the x509 certificate
you will use

El vie., 1 abr. 2016 a las 10:09, Aitor González (<>)

> First of all, thank you Daniel.
> So I need to define a new Virtualhost for the SSL address where I am
> redirecting the request?
> It should look like this maybe?
> <VirtualHost>
>     #formamos el acceso por https
>     SSLEngine on
>     SSLCertificateFile something
>     ServerAlias
>     DirectoryIndex /Stofi
>     ProxyPass /Stofi ajp://
>     ProxyPassReverse /Stofi ajp://
>     ErrorLog "logs/Stofi-apache-error.log"
>     CustomLog "logs/Stofi-apache-access.log" common
>     #ErrorLog "Z:/Stofi_Logs/Apache2_Stofi-apache-error.log"
>     #CustomLog 
> "\\ficodb\DocumentosFico\Stofi_Logs\Apache2_Stofi-apache-access.log"
>     ErrorDocument 404 /error_stofi_404.html
>     ErrorDocument 500 /error_stofi_500.html
>     ErrorDocument 502 /error_stofi_502.html
>     ErrorDocument 503 /error_stofi_503.html
>     ErrorDocument 504 /error_stofi_504.html
>     <Location /Stofi>
>         Order allow,deny
>         Allow from all
>     </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
> Thanks again!
> 2016-04-01 9:34 GMT+02:00 Daniel <>:
>> If I understand correctly you want:
>> ErrorDocument 404 /error_stofi_404.html
>> ErrorDocument 500 /error_stofi_500.html
>> ErrorDocument 502 /error_stofi_502.html
>> ErrorDocument 503 /error_stofi_503.html
>> ErrorDocument 504 /error_stofi_504.html
>> to show up in the SSL virtualhost.
>> Since these have been defined in the virtualhost context it won't affect 
>> other virtualhosts, so you either define these in server config context so 
>> they get propagated down the context tree or define them again in the new 
>> virtualhost where you need them.
>> El vie., 1 abr. 2016 a las 9:18, Aitor González (<>)
>> escribió:
>>> Using Apache 2.2, I am trying to redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS
>>> requests to a Tomcat 6 server and that works fine.
>>> But I am trying to redirect errors to custom error pages and while that
>>> works as long as I don't redirect the HTTP requests to HTTPS requests, it
>>> doesn't work when I redirect.
>>> This is the configuration I am currently using:
>>>  # gestion Stofi
>>> <VirtualHost>
>>>     #formamos el acceso por https
>>>     RewriteEngine On
>>>     RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
>>>     RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
>>>     ServerAlias
>>>     DirectoryIndex /Stofi
>>>     ProxyPass /Stofi ajp://
>>>     ProxyPassReverse /Stofi ajp://
>>>     ErrorLog "logs/Stofi-apache-error.log"
>>>     CustomLog "logs/Stofi-apache-access.log" common
>>>     #ErrorLog "Z:/Stofi_Logs/Apache2_Stofi-apache-error.log"
>>>     #CustomLog 
>>> "\\ficodb\DocumentosFico\Stofi_Logs\Apache2_Stofi-apache-access.log"
>>>     ErrorDocument 404 /error_stofi_404.html
>>>     ErrorDocument 500 /error_stofi_500.html
>>>     ErrorDocument 502 /error_stofi_502.html
>>>     ErrorDocument 503 /error_stofi_503.html
>>>     ErrorDocument 504 /error_stofi_504.html
>>>     <Location /Stofi>
>>>         Order allow,deny
>>>         Allow from all
>>>     </Location>
>>> </VirtualHost>
>>> Those error pages are located on htdocs Apache folder.
>>> I have been reading about flags on another post to redirect 404 errors
>>> but I understant that it only will work when the page it's absolutely not
>>> reachable, but in the case I am trying, the Tomcat 6 server is down, and it
>>> should return a 503 error.
>>> Why when I do not redirect HTTP to HTTPS it works but it doesn't when I
>>> redirect?
>>> How can I achieve the same behavior?
>>> Thank you all.
>>> (I have also posted this question on StackOverflow, you can follow this
>>> link to the question:
>>> )

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