First of all, thank you Daniel.

So I need to define a new Virtualhost for the SSL address where I am
redirecting the request?

It should look like this maybe?

    #formamos el acceso por https
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile something


    DirectoryIndex /Stofi

    ProxyPass /Stofi ajp://
    ProxyPassReverse /Stofi ajp://

    ErrorLog "logs/Stofi-apache-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/Stofi-apache-access.log" common

    #ErrorLog "Z:/Stofi_Logs/Apache2_Stofi-apache-error.log"

    ErrorDocument 404 /error_stofi_404.html
    ErrorDocument 500 /error_stofi_500.html
    ErrorDocument 502 /error_stofi_502.html
    ErrorDocument 503 /error_stofi_503.html
    ErrorDocument 504 /error_stofi_504.html

    <Location /Stofi>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all


Thanks again!

2016-04-01 9:34 GMT+02:00 Daniel <>:

> If I understand correctly you want:
> ErrorDocument 404 /error_stofi_404.html
> ErrorDocument 500 /error_stofi_500.html
> ErrorDocument 502 /error_stofi_502.html
> ErrorDocument 503 /error_stofi_503.html
> ErrorDocument 504 /error_stofi_504.html
> to show up in the SSL virtualhost.
> Since these have been defined in the virtualhost context it won't affect 
> other virtualhosts, so you either define these in server config context so 
> they get propagated down the context tree or define them again in the new 
> virtualhost where you need them.
> El vie., 1 abr. 2016 a las 9:18, Aitor González (<>)
> escribió:
>> Using Apache 2.2, I am trying to redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS
>> requests to a Tomcat 6 server and that works fine.
>> But I am trying to redirect errors to custom error pages and while that
>> works as long as I don't redirect the HTTP requests to HTTPS requests, it
>> doesn't work when I redirect.
>> This is the configuration I am currently using:
>>  # gestion Stofi
>> <VirtualHost>
>>     #formamos el acceso por https
>>     RewriteEngine On
>>     RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
>>     RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
>>     ServerAlias
>>     DirectoryIndex /Stofi
>>     ProxyPass /Stofi ajp://
>>     ProxyPassReverse /Stofi ajp://
>>     ErrorLog "logs/Stofi-apache-error.log"
>>     CustomLog "logs/Stofi-apache-access.log" common
>>     #ErrorLog "Z:/Stofi_Logs/Apache2_Stofi-apache-error.log"
>>     #CustomLog 
>> "\\ficodb\DocumentosFico\Stofi_Logs\Apache2_Stofi-apache-access.log"
>>     ErrorDocument 404 /error_stofi_404.html
>>     ErrorDocument 500 /error_stofi_500.html
>>     ErrorDocument 502 /error_stofi_502.html
>>     ErrorDocument 503 /error_stofi_503.html
>>     ErrorDocument 504 /error_stofi_504.html
>>     <Location /Stofi>
>>         Order allow,deny
>>         Allow from all
>>     </Location>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> Those error pages are located on htdocs Apache folder.
>> I have been reading about flags on another post to redirect 404 errors
>> but I understant that it only will work when the page it's absolutely not
>> reachable, but in the case I am trying, the Tomcat 6 server is down, and it
>> should return a 503 error.
>> Why when I do not redirect HTTP to HTTPS it works but it doesn't when I
>> redirect?
>> How can I achieve the same behavior?
>> Thank you all.
>> (I have also posted this question on StackOverflow, you can follow this
>> link to the question:
>> )

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