
No idea why anyone in the world would do this though...

> On Feb 19, 2016, at 7:46 AM, Richard <> 
> wrote:
>> Date: Friday, February 19, 2016 13:32:02 +0100
>> From: Oliver Graute <>
>> On 19/02/16, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>>> Just one connection? By that do you mean one concurrent user or
>>> actually one request or actually one connection?
>>> A connection is a socket opened between the client and the server.
>>> A request is a HTTP request on that connection.
>> my requirement is:
>> "The Apache server listens on port 443i (https). It must accept
>> only one connection at a time on this port"
>> so its one socket opened between the client and the server.
>> Best Regards,
>> Oliver
> Other than humoring a customer, who may not understand what they are
> asking for, what is the goal of trying to do this? 
> I don't think the server will be very usable -- basically you want
> to set "startservers" to 1, "spareservers" to 0 and "maxclients" to
> 1.
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