I was instructed to bring this discussion to this list from bugzilla. If that 
instruction was incorrect, I apologize.

- Milo Hyson
Chief Scientist
CyberLife Labs, Inc.

On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Yehuda Katz <yeh...@ymkatz.net> wrote:

> This is not an Apache HTTPD issue.
> That said, the article you linked to is specifically about WordPress - 
> defending their decision to make ALL links absolute links.
> I worked on a government project (using Wordpress) that required that all 
> URLs be relative unless absolutely necessary and we had to add a plugin to 
> undo all of that linking.
> - Y
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Milo Hyson <m...@cyberlifelabs.com> wrote:
> I've been using relative links in content for many years without any trouble. 
> It has been suggested this is a bad practice, but the reasons given I haven't 
> found terribly convincing. I may be wrong, but it seems as though people are 
> using relative linking as a scapegoat for generally bad practices.
> Take the following article for instance: 
> http://yoast.com/relative-urls-issues/
> The way I see it, if broken links are being deployed then testing isn't 
> thorough enough. If a test environment is accessible to uninvolved parties 
> (e.g. spiders) then testing isn't controlled enough. If multiple paths exist 
> to the same content without good reason, then the architecture is poor.
> Looking around Google, this seems to be rather representative of the 
> arguments. Relative links are bad because when they're combined with other 
> issues that should never happen the results are undesirable. That's not good 
> enough for me. Does anybody have a better reason?
> - Milo Hyson
> Chief Scientist
> CyberLife Labs, Inc.
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