On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Joyce Babu <jo...@joycebabu.com> wrote:
> When the rule is placed in the VirtualHost context, it works correctly. But
> when it is placed in the Directory context or in an .htaccess file, the
> request is mapped to the FallbackResource.
> http://apaste.info/12Cw

My recollection is that END is designed to prevent looping from
rewrites own re-injection method during per-directory rewrites, which
differs from how mod_dir and mod_negotiation internally lookup and
then replace/redirect the active request.

The method used by END does not propagate to those subrequests -- very
little does.  But maybe it would be possible for mod_rewrite to reach
back, but I think it may  require a new flag as some subrequests are
not replacing the current request.

I have a suspicion that maybe the 2.4 difference is related to not
having a default type anymore. It is quite a roundabout influence, but
you could maybe see if ForceType or SetHandler makes some kind of
difference if it's active on that context?

Eric Covener

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