Hello Jeff, Seems, that the issue was with PHP PECL APC Cache
I increased the kern.ipc.shmma on FreeBSD, until now no crash. Will wait to see, if crash again I will do a backtrace with GDB! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: [users@httpd] Apache crashing - *lockf* status<http://markmail.org/message/wbvuj7gyxqhmdqax>[image: permalink] <http://markmail.org/message/wbvuj7gyxqhmdqax>Jeff Trawick (traw ...@gmail.com)Jul 12, 2011 5:28:17 pmorg.apache.httpd.users -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Rafael Hasson <rafa...@gmail.com> wrote: *Hello all! * *I've a webserver running PHP 5.2.17, Apache 2.2.17 and MySQL 5.5.13. Tables' storage engine are MyISAM. I'm having a problem with all httpd processes locking during peak hours. Today while investigating the problem, I could replicate the it (all httpd processes locking) while running a 2.2 seconds select statement. Does someone have a clue why a table locked for 2.2seconds is making all httpd processes goes to lockf state? On my understanding only MySQL should be on hold until statement completes, not httpd. * *After httpd goes to lockf, it never returns, I have to kill it and start again. This is how top lock then http://pastebin.com/uG7ZjD7A* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get backtraces of httpd processes to see where httpd is blocked. prefork with multiple listening sockets? Maybe the subset of httpd processes in *lockf* state are just waiting for an incoming connection? Backtraces will show.