Hello all! I've a webserver running PHP 5.2.17, Apache 2.2.17 and MySQL 5.5.13. Tables' storage engine are MyISAM. I'm having a problem with all httpd processes locking during peak hours. Today while investigating the problem, I could replicate the it (all httpd processes locking) while running a 2.2 seconds select statement. Does someone have a clue why a table locked for 2.2seconds is making all httpd processes goes to *lockf state*? On my understanding only MySQL should be on hold until statement completes, not httpd.
After httpd goes to lockf, it never returns, I have to kill it and start again. This is how top lock then http://pastebin.com/uG7ZjD7A Appreciate some help =) Thanks in advance -- Rafael Hasson Computer Engineer Cel: + 55-41-99918090