
Yes, I suppose adding milliseconds to the request header using mod_headers
with a custom header name like "Milliseconds" would work (example below).
It would have to be a custom header because it appears that milliseconds
cannot be appended to any "normal" date time fields since the HTTP 1.1 spec
only permits times in seconds

I wonder how much overhead adding custom headers to every request adds in
CPU time + RAM?

#Config line for mod_headers
RequestHeader set Milliseconds "%t"



PS. There's a part of our site that dumps the Client's headers (link below).
We'd have to remove the custom header on this part of the web site otherwise
people would say, "My browser didn't send that header!"  So this solution
works only most of the time for us.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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