Using %{UNIQUE_ID}e from mod_unique_id is a *great* suggestion if our
interest was merely identifying each log line uniquely.  However the initial
question is focused more on the sequence and order of the requests.  Thus, I
believe a time-based solution is what we're after.  

This isn't a Linux forum but it seems like *nix would keep time with
milliseconds in an environmental var somewhere?  Then we could stuff it in
the log like %{TIME_WITH_MILLISECONDS}e 


PS. We thought about using %k for the "number of keepalive requests handled
on this connection" as that would track sequence however if the client
doesn't use keepalive then %k would always be set to zero.  Adding
milliseconds to the date seems like the cleanest solution.

PPS. Using mod_unique_id is more elegant than our current solution for
insuring uniqueness so we're looking into moving over to this depending on
how CPU/memory efficient mod_unique_id 

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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