Viaduct Productions wrote:
On 14-Apr-09, at 4:57 AM, André Warnier wrote:
So would you like to try again ?
Sure. I'll make it dead simple for you: Why does this happen?
sh-3.2# apachectl -S
[Tue Apr 14 04:53:49 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
VirtualHost configuration:
wildcard NameVirtualHosts and _default_ servers:
*:80 is a NameVirtualHost
default server gam (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:31)
port 80 namevhost gam (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:31)
port 80 namevhost localtest
port 80 namevhost vp (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:63)
port 80 namevhost if (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:75)
port 80 namevhost hq (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:87)
port 80 namevhost hco (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:95)
port 80 namevhost gam (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:31)
port 80 namevhost localtest
port 80 namevhost vp (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:63)
port 80 namevhost if (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:75)
port 80 namevhost hq (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:87)
port 80 namevhost hco (/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf:95)
Syntax OK
Observation (again, making it dead simple for you):
1. no virtualhosts
2. 13 virtualhosts
3. Syntax OK
It is maybe worth remembering that you get this software for free, as
you are getting assistance for free on this users list. It is always an
option to pay someone to offer you personal and tailored assistance and
Anyway, since you still have not told us on which platform you installed
Apache, nor from where you got it, I'll try a few guesses.
This is the result of the same command on one of my servers (Linux
Debian lenny with Apache httpd 2.2.9) :
evm2:~# /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -S
VirtualHost configuration:
wildcard NameVirtualHosts and _default_ servers:
*:80 is a NameVirtualHost
default server
port 80 namevhost
port 80 namevhost
port 80 namevhost
port 80 namevhost
Syntax OK
As you can see :
1) I do not get the same warning.
2) the layout of the configuration files is similar, but different from
Here is maybe another thing you should understand (or learn) : the
"standard" Apache software, created and maintained entirely by
volunteers for your usage and pleasure, and for which the on-line
documentation is written, is the one that you find on the official
Apache website
That one does not have its configuration split up over different files
and directories.
Apart from that standard version of Apache httpd, and quite a different
thing, there exist multiple re-packaged versions of Apache, created by
different and often also volunteer people, and adapted to a variety of
different platforms and software distribution methods.
The persons who decide how these configuration files are split and laid
out for each of these re-packaged versions are the respective packagers
of these versions, not the original Apache developers.
These packagers generally do a fine job, and provide additional commands
that may simplify, on one particular platform, the installation of
Apache and the configuration of virtual hosts.
And, they also generally provide their own separate documentation as to
how they have done that, and how to use /their/ style of Apache
configuration. That documentation, and help therefor, you may find on
the respective support lists for these platforms, not on the main Apache
support list.
But people here who contribute their time freely to try and help Apache
beginners, do not know all these versions, so they cannot guess where
your configuration files may be, nor what they contain, unless you tell
them explicitly.
So basically for instance, nobody but you knows what is in your file
/private/etc/apache2/users/rich.conf, nor in your httpd.conf, nor any
other configuration file that the Apache packager for your particular
paltform may have chosen to "include" in the configuration.
(Just as you do not know what is my file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/MAF,
nor from where it is being included; and just as the people who write
the standard Apache documentation don't know that.)
My first guess is that since there are millions of Apache sites out
there, and thousands of messages on this list, and not many of them
reporting the same warning, this is most probably not a bug, but
something wrong in your configuration files.
At this stage, does that sound like an unreasonable guess to you ?
My other guess at this stage is that, somewhere in one of your
non-standard configuration files, you have a duplicate "NameVirtualHost
*:80", and that this is why Apache is printing a warning.
I may be wrong of course, in which case providing a complete overview of
your configuration files may help me or others spot the reason.
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