Dragon wrote:
I am waiting impatiently for the Windows Apache version's "cute
paperclip popup assistant" to show up.
Apache isn't a Microsoft product, this statement is just absurd and I
think a bit insulting to the Apache developers.
Without the preceding bit, it is taken a bit out of context.
Nevertheless, you are right.
The statement above was out of line and unjustified by anything Apache I
have seen so far.
I did not mean it that way, and I really apologise to the Apache
developers for any such perception.
Apache is a package which I have used as a fundamental tool for at least
10 years, on more platforms than I can remember, and with no serious
problem that I can remember. I could not have done without, and still
could not.
It is definitely the greatest general-usage open-source application in
existence, and I want to express my thanks for it, and reiterate my
deepest apologies to the entire Apache team for even suggesting the
stupid thing above.
I my own defense, I think it was a knee-jerk reaction to a previous
comment, and to some things I have lately seen appearing in Windows
versions of some (other) open-source packages in their Windows
incarnations, such as the by-default settings that download and install
updates without asking.
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