On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 9:10 AM, André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The fact the MS uses a conventional MS way to do things, does not
> necessarily mean that everyone else has to blindly follow it.
> Particularly open-source packages and particularly for such packages as
> Apache, where the audience almost by default is the world at large.

IMO when someone takes the time to create a binary distribution for a
platform, it should follow the platforms filesystem standard as much
as possible.  Why would a larger audience dictate installing the
software in a non-standard path?

> And spaces in paths will give you headaches, as soon as you start doing more 
> advanced things such a rewriting URLs for instance.

Shouldn't be different then any other directive -- If you embed a
space in an argument, quote the argument.

Eric Covener

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