This is a "trusted" site, which, according to the Windows Integrated Authentication docs, means that IE will happily send the authentication credentials, but I would be more inclined to think that they will just not be in the right format for mod_authnz_ldap to handle. What's weird is that it is definitely getting the domain\username part of it.
Maybe it just won't work. I got mod_auth_sspi working with a workaround, so maybe I'll just go that route. On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:51 PM, André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > André Warnier wrote: > >> Eric Covener wrote: >> >>> So, it looks like I need mod_setenvif, right? Could anybody write a >>>>> quick >>>>> directive that would look at REMOTE_USER to see if there is a backslash >>>>> ("\"), and if there is, set the same variable to everything following >>>>> the >>>>> backslash? I think this would solve my problem. I would rather use >>>>> mod_authnz_ldap that mod_auth_sspi as it is included with Apache and >>>>> is >>>>> well-supported. >>>>> >>>> >>> The authentication/authorization modules don't read from the >>> REMOTE_USER environment variable. >>> >>> Party pooper ! >> >> Clayton, > I kind of get a feeling that Eric is right though, because a) he usually > seems to know his stuff, and b) that would not be very secure, to say the > least. > That would mean that we are back to try and figure out what exactly happens > between IE and the server, and it what circumstances exactly IE sends this > domain\user-id thing. > > But maybe Eric can help there ? > Eric, what kind of "401" does mod_authnz_ldap send to the browser when it > needs authentication ? Basic ? > Then I can't quite imagine Clayton's scheme working, because IE would never > of its own device send the user's password (I don't even think it knows it). > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project. > See <URL:> for more info. > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > " from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > -- Clayton Hicklin [EMAIL PROTECTED]