On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Eric Covener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> So, it looks like I need mod_setenvif, right?  Could anybody write a
> quick
> >> directive that would look at REMOTE_USER to see if there is a backslash
> >> ("\"), and if there is, set the same variable to everything following
> the
> >> backslash?  I think this would solve my problem.  I would rather use
> >> mod_authnz_ldap that  mod_auth_sspi as it is included with Apache and is
> >> well-supported.
> The authentication/authorization modules don't read from the
> REMOTE_USER environment variable.
> --
> Eric Covener
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Well, where are they getting their info?  This is what I'm getting in the
error log:

[5028] auth_ldap authenticate: user WHQ_NT_DOMAIN\\ch017001 authentication
failed; URI /scpmanager/ [User not found][No Such Object]

Clearly domain\user is getting passed to the authn/authz modules from IE
somehow or another.

Clayton Hicklin

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