Seeing this message, I'm wondering if there is a solution for
upload/download files from the Internet using public access. I have
seen a web Interface using sftp, but I have not found an open source
project. Could you give some suggestions please?

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 8:42 AM, Emmanuel E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  you might want to look at a cgi scripts like this one, which i use. It
> provides an upload/download area.  you will need to configure authentication
> in apache in case you want security, the script does not do any
> authentication. i run it on an apache ssl server and use basic auth.
>  I cant seem to locate the original source. i suspect it is this one -
> Jeff's Scripts Archive: File Upload -
> but the domain seems to
> have expired right now.
>  anyway i am attaching the script. i have made some very minor changes to
> make it more useful.
>  steve wrote:
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Tall Paul wrote:
>  | Well thanks to all the great suggestions I got past the first hurdle. I
>  | changed the listening port to 8080 and now my webpage can be accessed
>  | via the net. Now I would like to have the ability to allow people to
>  | upload and download files, like an online file server. Any ideas about
>  | that?
>  | Paul
>  you can do that now.
>  create a folder inside your /var/www directory (or whatever the server
>  root is ) fill it with what you want to serve.  call it with
>  http://yourservername/yourdirectoryname   you should get a listing of
>  whatever files you filled the folder with.
>  get an ftp server going on the same box and create accounts for whoever
>  you want to upload/download things to specified directories.
>  - --
>  Steve Reilly
>  Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
>  iD8DBQFIDqfm1L48K811Km0RAntVAKDOdsXam8GblHnCWkAj7j5ttx8GiwCeJ5sh
>  TG4xam6RXz72nLAP/sUPqA4=
>  =kSXC
>  -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>  The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
>  See <URL:> for more info.
>  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    "   from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> #!C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe
>  # Ultra simple uploader script.
>  =pod
>  =head1 NAME upload.cgi
>  This is an extremely basic, simple uploader script. It does NOT provide
>  any authentication, you are expected to provide authentication youself
>  via Apache directives.
>  This is an ideal solution for intranets or quickly allowing clients/staff
>  to upload files to your server. For example, you could place it in
>  a members area for staff to quickly exchange documents.
>  It is B<NOT> an ideal solution for public access.
>  =head1 INSTALL
>  In a hurry? Installed CGI scripts in the past? look for BEGIN CONFIGURATION
>  and start from there.
>  =over 4
>  =item drop in cgi-bin
>  Or wherever your server is configured to run CGI scripts.
>  Set it's permissions to 755.
>  =item Create upload directorie(s)
>  Create one or more directories to upload into, make sure the server can
> write
>  to them. (may need permissions set to 777)
>  =item Configure Script.
>  Set up an upload areas and toggle desired features.
>  =head1 WARRANTY
>  There is no warranty expressed nor implied, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. It
>  can be dangerous to allow people to upload files to your server. Even
>  more dangerous to allow pipes.
>  You must leave the footers in this message. (the link to the geniegate
>  site)
>  Configuration is done by editing a few variables near the
>  top of this file. The only critical one is %UPLOADS,
>  which is, where you want the files to go.
>  (The form can have multiple upload areas, each one labeled)
>  =over 4
>  =cut
>  #use strict;
>  use CGI;
>  =item %UPLOADS
>  This is a map of labels to directories (or programs)
>  Each label is shown on the form within the select box. The directory
>  is where the file is placed after uploading.
>   $UPLOADS{Staff} = '/home/staff/uploads';
>  Pipes are also supported.
>  You can specify a pipe instead of a directory, in which
>  case, the directory is expected to be a program. The program
>  is then opened, with the file contents piped into it's standard
>  input.
>  If a program is used, it's output is sent to the browser
>  in the form of text.
>  Here is how one could upload to the "sort" directory.
>   $UPLOADS{Sort_Me} = '|/usr/bin/sort';
>  In the above example, the file is sorted and sent back to the
>  browser.
>  The program has the environment variables C<WANT_FILENAME>
>  and C<REMOTE_FILENAME> set.
>  PIPES are meant to provide a simple web interface to unix commands.
>  =cut
>  #----------- BEGIN CONFIGURATION -----------------
>  $UPLOADS{Current} = '.';
>  # $UPLOADS{Sort} = '|/usr/bin/sort';
>  # $UPLOADS{Env} = '|/usr/bin/env';
>  # $UPLOADS{Staff} = '/path/to/staff/dir';
>  If set to a true value, this script will not run without
>  a remote_user. This isn't a guarantee of security! it is just meant to
>  protect against accidental installations.
>  =cut
>  =item ALLOW_PIPE
>  To use pipes, you need to set this to a TRUE value. This is
>  a safety measure, designed to prevent accidental pipe usage.
>  =cut
>  $ALLOW_PIPE = 0;
>  # Script URI.
>  #---------------- END OF CONFIGURATION --------------
>  &main();
>  sub main {
>         $cgi = new CGI();
>         #$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
>         delete($ENV{TERM});
>         my($self) = {};
>         bless($self);
>         if(! $ENV{REMOTE_USER}){
>                 if($REQUIRE_PASSWORD){
>                         return($self->error("This form must be password
> protected"));
>                 }
>         }
>         my($opt) = $cgi->param('ACTION');
>         if(! $opt){
>                 $self->header();
>                 #print $self;
>                 #print $cgi->script_name;
>                 $sort = $cgi->param('sort');
>                 $self->form($cgi);
>                 $self->footer();
>                 return;
>         }
>         eval {
>                 $self->do_upload($cgi);
>         };
>         if($@){
>                 $self->error($@);
>         }
>  }
>  sub do_upload {
>         my($self,$cgi) = (shift,shift);
>         my($name) = $cgi->param('NAME') || $cgi->param('FILE');
>         my($dir) = $cgi->param('DIR');
>         my($upload) = $UPLOADS{$dir};
>         my($is_pipe) = 0;
>         $name =~ s/\\/\//g;
>         $name =~ s/\:/\//g;
>         my(@path) = split(/\//,$name);
>         $name = pop(@path);
>         $name =~ /([^\\\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]+)/;
>         $name = $1;
>         if(! $name){
>                 die "Must supply a <I>valid filename name</I> (no weird
> characters)\n";
>         }
>         if($upload =~ /^\|/){
>                 die "\$ALLOW_PIPE has not been set" unless($ALLOW_PIPE);
>                 print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
>                 $is_pipe = 1;
>                 $ENV{WANT_FILENAME} = $name;
>                 $ENV{REMOTE_FILENAME} = $cgi->param('FILE');
>                 open(OUT,"$upload 2>&1");
>         }elsif(-d $upload){
>                 my($of) = "$upload/$name";
>                 if(-e $of){
>                         die "Filename: $name exists, please use another
> name\n";
>                 }
>                 open(OUT,">$of") || die "$of : $!\n";
>         }else{
>                 die "$dir does not exist";
>         }
>         my($fh) = $cgi->upload('FILE');
>         binmode($fh);
>         binmode(OUT);
>         while(<$fh>){
>                 print OUT;
>         }
>         close(OUT); # No way to report exit code, we're sending the output
> to the command.
>         if(! $is_pipe){
>                 $self->header();
>                 $self->status("Upload of <i>$name</i> OK");
>                 $self->footer();
>         }
>  }
>  sub status {
>         my($self,$msg) = (shift,shift);
>         print <<__EOF;
>         <div class="box">
>                 <h1>Upload status</h1>
>                 <p>$msg</p>
>         </div>
>         <div class="bar">&nbsp;</div>
>  __EOF
>         $self->form();
>  }
>  sub form {
>         my($self) = shift;
>         my($n,$opt);
>         my $post = $cgi->script_name;
>         foreach $n (keys(%UPLOADS)){
>                 $opt .= "<option value='$n'>$n</option>";
>         }
>         print <<__EOF;
>         <form class="box" action="$post" method="post"
>  enctype="multipart/form-data">
>  <h1>Upload File</h1>
>  <input name="ACTION" value="upload" type="hidden">
>  <p> <label>Local File</label><input
>  name="FILE" value="" type="file"> </p>
>  <p> <label>Remote Name</label><input name="NAME" type="text"> </p>
>  <p> <label>Directory</label>
>                         <select name="DIR">$opt</select>
>  </p>
>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
>  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
>  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <input value="Upload" type="submit"> </p>
>  </form>
>  <p style="text-align: center;"> Select area via the pulldown menu,
>  optionally provide a new name
>  and click <i>Upload</i> to upload your file. </p>
>  __EOF
>         $self->dirlist();
>  }
>  sub error {
>         my($self,$ermsg) = (shift,shift);
>         $self->header();
>         print "<div class=\"box\">\n";
>         print "<h1>Error</h1>\n";
>         print "<p><b>$ermsg</b></p>\n";
>         print "</div>\n";
>         $self->footer();
>  }
>  sub header {
>         print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
>         my $style = qq(
>         <style>
>         body { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; background-color:
> #f5f1c4;}
>         p { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; }
>         label { margin-left: 5%; padding: 0%; }
>         input { position: absolute; left: 50%; }
>         form { background-color: #ffefb4; }
>         select { position: absolute; left: 50%; }
>         .bar { background-color: #b295b1; }
>         input[type=SUBMIT] { color: blue; position: absolute; left: 50%; }
>         h1 { color: blue; text-align: center; font-size: 14pt;
> border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: blue; border-bottom-style:
> solid; }
>         .box { border-style: solid; border-color: black; margin-top: 5%;
> margin-bottom: 5%;
>                   border-width: 1px; margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%; }
>         </style>
>  );
>         print <<__EOF;
>  <html>
>  <head><title>File Upload</title>
>  $style
>  </head>
>  <body>
>  <div class="bar">&nbsp;</div>
>  __EOF
>  }
>  sub footer {
>  # You MUST leave the advertisement intact! Contact us if you have a problem
>  # with this, as there are exceptions granted. Clients are permitted to
>  # remove the ad if they so desire.
>  print qq(
>         <hr />
>         <div style="text-align: center">
>                         Copyright &copy; 2006
>                     ::
>                         <a href="";>Jeff's
> Scripts Archive</a>
>         </div>
>         <div style="text-align: center">
>                 <i>No warranty, expressed or implied. Use at your own
> risk.</i>
>         </div>
>         <br />
>         </p>
>         </body>
>         </html>
>  );
>  }
>  #sub sortby($$);
>  sub dirlist()
>  {
>         #----------------- Configuration -------------------
>         #$htroot = "/www/";    # The location of your html documents (must
> end in /)
>         #$dirroot = "/";       # The toplevel url path... no links to above
> this
>         #$defaultdir = "/";    # the default url path to look in if no
> arguments --
>                       # relative to $dirroot.
>         $printsizes = 1;      # print file sizes with the names?
>         $printtypes = 1;      # print file kinds with the names?
>         $printdates = 1;      # print file mod dates with names?
>         $usetables = 1;       # use HTML 3 Tables in output?
>  #----------------- End Configuration ---------------
>  #use CGI;
>  #$q = new CGI;
>  @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
>  # Choose the directory to list
>  #$dir = $q->param("keywords");
>  #$dir = $defaultdir if !$dir;
>  #while ($dir =~ s%(^|/)\.\.($|/)%%g) {;} # Don't allow listing ..
>  #$htroot .= "/" if $htroot !~ m%/$%;
>  #$dirroot .= "/" if $dirroot !~ m%/$%;
>  my $dir = ".";
>  $dir .= "/" if $dir !~ m%/$%;
>  # Try to go to the directory
>  #chdir ($htroot . $dirroot . $dir) or
>  #     &fatal ("Cannot list directory $dir: $!");
>  # We are in the directory.  Now we get the list of files.
>  #opendir DIR , "$htroot$dirroot$dir";
>  opendir DIR , ".";
>  foreach (readdir DIR) {
>     ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
>      $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat $_;
>     #next if !$dev;
>     next if /^\./;  # Ignore . files
>     next if /~$/;   # Ignore emacs backup files
>     # Add any extra ignored files here...
>     $dates{$_} = $mtime;
>     #print $mtime;
>     $sizes{$_} = $size;
>     {
>         $types{$_} = "Directory", last if -d _;
>         $types{$_} = "MPEG movie", last if /\.mpg$/i;
>         $types{$_} = "Quicktime movie", last if /.mov$/i;
>         $types{$_} = "JPEG image", last if /\.jpg$/i;
>         $types{$_} = "GIF image", last if  /\.gif$/i;
>         $types{$_} = "HTML document", last if /\.html$/i;
>         $types{$_} = "CGI program", last if /\.cgi/i;
>         # Add any extra file types here...
>     }
>  }
>  closedir DIR;
>  # Output routine ----------------------------
>  #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
>  $started = 1;
>  #print <<EOHTML;
>  #<HTML>
>  #<HEAD><TITLE>Listing of $dir</TITLE></HEAD>
>  #<BODY>
>  print <<EOHTML;
>  <H3>Download file $dir</H3>
>  print "<TABLE>\n" if $usetables;
>  print '<TR><TD> <A HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=name">Sort by
> Name</A><TD><A HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=type">Sort by Type</A><TD><A
> HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=time">Sort by Time</A><TD><A
> HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=size">Sort by Size</A></TR>';
>  #print keys %dates;
>  foreach (sort sortby keys %dates) {
>     print "<TR><TD>\n" if $usetables;
>     print "<b>";
>     {
>         $href="$dir$_";
>         $href=~ s%//%/%g; # remove extra // pairs.
>         #print (qq%<A HREF="%, $cgi->script_name, qq%?$href">$_/</A>%), last
>         #    if $types{$_} =~ /Directory/i;
>         # Add any extra link types here...
>         #$href="$dirroot$dir$_";
>         #$href=~ s%//%/%g; # remove extra // pairs.
>         print qq%<A HREF="$href">$_</A> %;
>     }
>     print "</b>";
>     $date = (localtime($dates{$_}))[3] .  " " .
>         $months[(localtime($dates{$_}))[4]] . " " .
>         (localtime($dates{$_}))[5]. " " .
>         (localtime($dates{$_}))[2] . ":" .
>         sprintf("%02d", (localtime($dates{$_}))[1]);
>     $size = $sizes{$_} < (1024)      ?
>                      ($sizes{$_}) . " bytes" : (
>             $sizes{$_} < (1024 ** 2) ?
>                      (int (10 * $sizes{$_}/1024)/10) . "K" : (
>             $sizes{$_} < (1024 ** 3) ?
>                      (int (10 * $sizes{$_}/(1024 ** 2) )/10) . "MB" :
>                      ((int (10 * $sizes{$_}/(1024 ** 3) )/10) . "GB")));
>     print "<TD>" if $printtypes && $usetables;
>     print qq% [$types{$_}]% if $printtypes && $types{$_};
>     print "<TD>" if $printdates && $usetables;
>     print qq% [$date]% if $printdates && $date;
>     print "<TD>" if $printsizes && $usetables;
>     print qq% [$size]% if $printsizes &&
>                  $types{$_} !~ /Directory/i && $size;
>     print "<BR>\n" unless $usetables;
>     print "</TR>\n" if $usetables;
>  }
>  print "</TABLE>\n" if $usetables;
>  #($up) = $dir =~ m%([^/]+)/$%;
>  #$parent = $`;
>  #($up) = $parent =~ m%([^/]+)/?$%;
>  #if ($dir ne $dirroot && $parent) {
>  #    print "<HR>";
>  #    print qq%<A HREF="%, $q->script_name,
>  #          qq%?$parent">Up a dir ($up/)</A>%;
>  #
>  }
>  #print "</BODY></HTML>\n";
>  sub sortby {
>     #print $cgi->param('sort');
>     #print $a,$b;
>     return $sizes{$b} <=> $sizes{$a} if $sort =~ /size/;
>     return $types{$a} cmp $types{$b} if $sort =~ /type/;
>     return $dates{$b} <=> $dates{$a} if $sort =~ /time/;
>     return lc $a cmp lc $b ;
>  }
>  #--------------- Subroutines --------------------------------------
>  sub fatal {
>     #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" if !$started;
>     #print "<TITLE>Error...</TITLE>";
>     print "<H2>Error!</H2>";
>     print "An error occured while listing this directory.  " .
>           "The message was:";
>     print "<PRE>@_</PRE>";
>     #exit;
>  }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>  The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
>  See <URL:> for more info.
>  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bogdan Cristea

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See <URL:> for more info.
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