I am guessing that this is the simplest problem there is but it has me stumped. 
I installed Apache and PHP and ran the localhost tests and all is well. I have 
a static IP and I am behind a US Robotics router in which I forwarded port 80 
to this PC. I sent my IP ( to my sister and asked her to test the 
server. She put in her browser and got the "page not 
found" message. So she tried and got the same results. 
From what I understand I cannot access my own server via my own IP so that 
leaves 2 questions.
1. What does someone have to enter in a browser to access my server?
2. How can I test the connection short of using someone else's internet 

I googled the hell out of this problem and came up empty. Forgive me if this 
has already been asked a bazillion times.

Tall Paul in Pa

Occam's Razor: one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of 
entities required to explain anything

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