On Nov 8, 2007 3:50 PM, Axel-Stephane  SMORGRAV
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Krist van Besien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyé : jeudi 8 novembre 2007 15:14
> À : users@httpd.apache.org
> Objet : Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] apache as non-root
> > You could use a wrapper script (as I do) that the user can't change.
> You could, but AFAICS the only point of using a wrapper over using sudo would 
> be to hard code the -f parameter... In that case you would also need to 
> prevent the user to change the configuration. What would be the point of that?

The point is that somebody not root can start/stop apache. In our
setup I have a wrapper script that can start the server in two modes:
A "maintenance mode" where a "server is down, please come back later"
message is displayed to whoever visits the site, and a normal mode.
This is done by passing a different value for the -f option to httpd
when started. These values (two alternative configs basically) are
hard coded in a script that only root can modify.
This way a user with less privileges than root can switch the site to
maintenance mode before taking the tomcat application server down.

> I have opted for sudo. Designated Apache administrators are allowed to 
> start/stop/create as many instances of Apache they want to with the 
> configurations of their choice. They are entrusted with that privilege. 
> Bottom line.

Indeed, but in your case you have given the designated administrators
everything they need to become root. I hope you can trust them enough
not to try this.


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