> -----Original Message-----
> From: chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 4:20 PM
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] apache as non-root
> Hash: SHA1
> A work around, sort of:
> If you are using an OS with the ability to port forward (iptables on
> linux for example) you can create rules to forward the port 80
> connection to a high port (say 8080) that the non-root-user apache
> instance is listening on.
> You end up listening on two ports, but you get the desired effect of
> having a totally user owned (startable stoppable without ever being
> root) apache instance that is accessible via port 80.

This is a clever "work-around", but for the record, it is worth pointing
out what you are sacrificing here:

The behaviour that the OP is trying to defeat (non-root can't listen on
ports < 1024) is there for a good reason - security. By forwarding the
trusted port 80 traffic to a port belonging to a plain user, you bypass
that security mechanism. It basically means that an un-privileged user
controls the HTTP server, while an external client thinks he's talking
to a root-owned process. 

This might be OK if the OP has a research or test environment but it's a
but flaky for the real world. It's a bit like a boss letting his
secretary read and reply to his e-mails using his signature. Fine - so
long as he trusts his secretary :-)

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

> chris
> Melanie Pfefer wrote:
> > thanks. But any workaround?
> > thanks.
> > --- Tony Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Melanie Pfefer wrote:
> >>> hi
> >>>
> >>> I modified user in httpd.conf but as long as the
> >> port
> >>> number is 80, only root can start apache.
> >> subsequent
> >>> process will be run as non-root.
> >> This is expected behaviour.
> >>
> >>> any idea how to allow this user to start apache?
> >> To start Apache on port 80, you need root level
> >> access as these are 
> >> privilged ports.
> >>
> >> You can user another account, but the port has to be
> >>> 1024.
> >>
> >> Tony
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > 
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