On Jan 5, 2007, at 6:42 AM, Justin Johnson wrote:

My new problem is that apr-util has a problem with a statically linked
ldap.  See below.

/svn/static/build/httpd-2.2.3/srclib/apr-util>./configure \
>      --prefix=$base_dir/apr-util-httpd \
>      --enable-static=yes \
>      --enable-shared=no \
>      --with-ldap=$base_dir \
>      --with-apr=$base_dir/apr-httpd

Did you also build apr-util? Try specifying --with-apr-util= $base_dir/apr-httpd/bin/apu-1-config as well as --with-apr=$base_dir/ apr-httpd/bin/apr-1-config (assuming you installed them in the same place).

Note that you need to explicitly tell your apr-util build about -- with-ldap=... (in the default build config it'd inherit that from the httpd ./configure).

Building apr and apr-util separately is not usually required for a build, but it does give you finer-grained control over what gets generated.

When you build APR (and APR-util), does the build follow your specified shared/static requirements? Does the static archive statically link against that holy grail, the gcc runtime?


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