On Jan 9, 2007, at 6:31 AM, Justin Johnson wrote:

> /svn/static/build/httpd-2.2.3/srclib/apr-util>./configure \
> >      --prefix=$base_dir/apr-util-httpd \
> >      --enable-static=yes \
> >      --enable-shared=no \
> >      --with-ldap=$base_dir \
> >      --with-apr=$base_dir/apr-httpd

Did you also build apr-util?  Try specifying --with-apr-util=
$base_dir/apr-httpd/bin/apu-1-config as well as --with-apr=$base_dir/
apr-httpd/bin/apr-1-config (assuming you installed them in the same

My question is related to trying to build apr-util.  What do you mean
"did you also build apr-util?"

My bad, I hand't read correctly. I thought that was your httpd ./ configure line, and only now do I see that you're in fact building apr-util. My apologies.

This could be a bug in autoconf or m4. Do you have the GNU autoconf, m4 and libtool packages installed on your machine? Could you try running

> ./buildconf --with-apr=point/to/apr/source

and then try configure again?

I'm kind of running out of options here... as I may have said before, I don't know AIX at all and do not have an AIX box at my disposal.

If we are running into bugs in our detection code or indeed in its frameworks, perhaps it's time to take this to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]            http://www.temme.net/sander/
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