Okay, thanks.  There doesn't seem to be any performance impact, but
this is a scaled down proof-of-concept implementation.  I assume that
before implementing that rule it's implementing all of the preceeding
rules.  Is there any reason I shouldn't move the /landingpage.cfm rule
to the top of the list?

On 7/6/06, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/6/06, Rob Wilkerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joshua -
> I have one quick follow-up question, if you don't mind.  I've
> implemented the rules as shown below and have been watching the logs
> and I notice that the /landingpage.cfm pattern is always being engaged
> for /landingpage.cfm (even though I'm never calling that page
> directly).  Does the redirection itself cause the rewrite rules to be
> executed?
> Here is what I have:
>      RewriteEngine On
>      RewriteLog  /var/log/httpd/rewrite_log
>      RewriteLogLevel 3
>      RewriteRule ^/bfg                  -                       [L]
>      RewriteRule ^/se                   -                       [L]
>      RewriteRule ^/mod/modules/foo      -                       [L]
>      RewriteRule ^/landingpage.cfm      -                       [L]
>      RewriteRule ^/(.*)
> /landingpage.cfm?uri=%{REQUEST_URI}     [QSA,PT]

In some cases a subrequest is used to change to the new location,
which will retrigger the RewriteRules.  I don't recall all the details
of this, but it is less likely to happen if you omit the PT flag and
also if you provide a full (file-system) path to landingpage.cfm.  But
it shouldn't be a problem in any case.


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Rob Wilkerson

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