Title: Redirect Port 80 requests to https
I did a google search and had 164k come up.
http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-users/200408.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is on Apache's web site in archive.  Basiclly you use a mod_rewrite to do so.

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On 8/25/2005 at 5:24 PM Dave Morrow wrote:

Hi all.  How can I rewrite port 80 to https?  I know I have seen this somewhere, but cannot locate it. 

Basically, if someone comes in to http://www.mydomain.com I want to redirect them to https://www.mydomain.com

David A. Morrow
Technical Systems Lead
Autodata Solutions Company
Tel: (519) 951-6079
Fax: (519) 451-6615 

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